Zum Inhalt

Testing guidelines

Testing ist done on different levels of the application. This document is a guideline for our developers to implment tests for different parts of our applications.

Testing the Presentation Layer (UI)

Testing UI-Components

When building UI-Components (i.e. input/output components in vue or blade) for each component there must exist tests which make shure that the acceptance criteria are met.

Blade components

All Blade components must be tested using unit tests and the default test library provided by Laravel.


  • https://spatie.be/courses/testing-laravel-with-phpunit/testing-blade-components

Vue Components


Testing the application UI

Currently we do not test the application UI in general. But this will likely change in the future. ATM we evaluated the following methods for testing the UI: * Cypres * Laravel Dusk

Testing the Service Layer (Actions)

All actions implemented in the Service Layer must be tested using feature tests and the default test library provided by Laravel.