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Coding Guidelines

Based on own rearch and:

  • Spaties Coding Guidlines.
  • https://xqsit.github.io/laravel-coding-guidelines/docs/naming-conventions/
  • https://github.com/alexeymezenin/laravel-best-practices

General PHP Rules

Code style must follow PSR-1 and PSR-12. Generally speaking, everything string-like that’s not public-facing should use camelCase. Detailed examples on these are spread throughout the guide in their relevant sections.


Naming Variables

Use speaking variable names:

// Good
$myTenantBuildings = Building::where('tenant_id', $myTenantId)->get();

// Bad
$b = Building::where('tenant_id', $myTenantId)->get();
Single character variable names are allowed only for counting variables like $i or $j.

When assigning data to variables distiguish between singular and plural ressources. Use plural naming for iterables like arrays or collections and singular naming for single ressources.

// Good
$building = Building::findOrFail($buildingId);
$buildings = Building::get();

// Bad
$buildings = Building::findOrFail($buildingId);
$building = Building::get();

Aliasing classes

When you use classes from user namespaces which have a very general name like Factory or Provider then provide an alias to exactly specify their purpose. This makes life for future developers more easy because they do not have to search the meaning.

// Good
use Support\DataTables\Factory as DataTablesFactory;

// Bad
use Support\DataTables\Factory;


Plural naming for module namespaces

Please use plural naming for module folders and namespaces if a plural form exists.

// Good

// Bad

Separate service provider for all modules

Each module must provide it’s own service provider where the ressources provided by the module are beeing registered. This applies to vertical modularization in terms of layer modules but also to horizontal modularization when a layer is vertically subdivided into multiple modules.


// src/Domain/DomainServiceProvider.php
// src/Domain/Buildings/BuildingsServiceProvider.php
// etc.

In the shown example the DomainServiceProvider.php must register the BuildingsServiceProvider.php.


Follow REST Resource Naming standard whenever possible

Please use plural naming and dashed-names for routes and route names if a plural form exists. Use snake_case naming for route parameters.

See REST Resource Naming Guide and comment on laracats.com for details.

// Good
Route::resource('buildings', BuildingController::class);
Route::resource('buildings.rooms', Rooms::class);
Route::get('/buildings/tabulate', [BuildingsController::class, 'tabulate'])->name('buildings.tabulate');
Route::get('/training-courses/{training_course}', [BuildingsController::class, 'show'])->name('training-courses.show');
Route::get('/training-courses/{training_course}/files', [TrainingCoursesController::class, 'show'])->name('training-courses.files.index');
Route::get('/my-profile', [ProfileController::class, 'show'])->name('profile.my-profile');

// Bad
Route::resource('building', Building::class);
Route::get('/building/tabulate', [BuildingsController::class, 'tabulate'])->name('building.tabulate');
Route::get('/trainingCourses/{trainingCourse}', [TrainingCoursesController::class, 'show'])->name('trainingCourses.show');

Use camelCase style in controllers when refering to route parameters:

// controller method for the following route:
// Route::get('/training-courses/{training_course}', [BuildingsController::class, 'show'])->name('training-courses.index');

class TrainingCoursesController
    public function show(TrainingCourse $trainingCourse)
        // ToDO



Please use plural naming for controllers if a plural form exists and append the suffix Controller.

// Good
class BuildingsController

// Bad
class Building



Please append the suffix Command to a commands class name.

// Good
class ImportUsersCommand

// Bad
class ImportUser

Permission Strings

Please use plural naming for permission strings if a plural form exists. Prefix all permission strings with the namespace of the coresponding translation.

// Good

// Bad:

Translation Strings

Please use plural naming for translation strings if a plural form exists.

// Good
{{ __('app.admin.buildings::rooms.headlines.index.main') }}

// Bad:
{{ __('app.admin.building::room.headlines.index.main') }}


Naming views

Files and folders for organizing views must use kebab case for naming. Folders grouping views which represent ressources must use plural naming.

// Good

// Bad:

This decision was made based on a research on other popular Laravel projects:

  • illuminate/pagination (Kebab case)
  • Flarum (kebab case)
  • Lavalite (kebab case)
  • Faveop (kebab case)
  • Invoice-Ninja (snake case)
  • Spatie Coding Conventions (camel case)

Form input names

The name attribute for form input elements must follow snake case naming.

// Good
<input type="text" name="date_of_birth">

// Bad
<input type="text" name="dateOfBirth">
<input type="text" name="dateof_Birth">